The key to selling successfully has always been in selling smartly. Typically sales representatives spend their time balancing between an array of tasks, from sending out emails, making calls, making deals, and creating contracts for multiple accounts. A sales representative's life can get very hectic; one can easily get overwhelmed by the volume of tasks, and time management is a crucial  key for  staying on top of things. Manually sorting through these tasks on multiple accounts becomes time-consuming, automation can assist in streamlining the sales process.

Automation can take over the repetitive tasks and help a sales representative organise their time better, allowing for higher efficiency and productivity while being easy on the pocket.

5 Ways to Automate Your Sales Process

  • Automating emails: There are a lot of routine emails that are sent out in the course of a sales cycle. Welcome emails, reminders to unresponsive leads, meeting reminders, and appreciation emails to customers are some such examples. Depending on the level of customisation required for each of these, your sales reps can create templatized formats, and schedule multiple emails to go out at the desired times.
  • Day to day tasks: Use scheduling applications to directly take appointments, send reminders, and set meetings for you. Automatically log sales calls into CRM systems with the help of automation. Take it a step further by using lead enrichment tools that can help log personal details of leads and systematically keep an account of the calls made. With the help of integration, create a network of applications that allow you to execute day to day tasks efficiently.
  • Lead prioritisation: Creating scoreboards for each product, to compare the leads and systematically arrange them after calculating their responsiveness, volume of business, and importance. Having these set up makes it easier to differentiate between leads and allows for a more functional approach. This, in turn, leads to shorter sales cycles, higher conversion rates, and lesser leaks.
  • Lead distribution: Your leads could be coming in from various sources like blogs, social media, websites, or references. Usually, the faster you act on leads, the more responsive they are to your offerings. Automation can reduce the lag time between approaching leads by differentiating them based on geography, the medium they've been generated from or industry type/size, and allocating them accordingly to different sales reps. This saves time and increases efficiency.
  • Reports: As a field that thrives on meeting targets, reports are an essential part of a sales representative's life. They have multiple KRA's set out, and this means there are various reports. Manually maintaining data for sales calls, sales emails, team comparison, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports can be a lengthy, drawn-out process, fragile to collapse with a single error. Automating this process by using CRM apps like Freshsales, Hubspot, or Salesforce can allow for smoother organisational flow and increase team and individual productivity.

Secret to success: Integrating the sales process

Creating an automated sales process by automating emails, lead prioritisation, distribution, manual tasks, and maintaining records can help sales representatives organise and structure their tasks better. Integrating these applications together creates a seamless network that reduces the manual work required. Allowing sales representatives to divert their energy into finding more leads and focus on optimising their sales.

Building an automated journey to match your sales targets needs to be done carefully, taking into account the nature of your product, clients, and their needs. Get in touch with us to build a journey that allows your sales team to sell better!