If you can accommodate your employees in a single room workspace to work together, the business automation processes can be of low priority. But, if your company needs two or more rooms, you should take a hard look at which processes can be automated. The thing is small and big teams. When you have a small team, there is a scope of fewer human errors (of course, if you are dealing with complex processes, you can consider Automation). Still, when your team is big, there is a possibility of errors that could take a toll on your overall company.

The repetitive and manual tasks need to be automated to improve efficiency and reduce errors with business expansion. What are the best ways for business process automation? Which workflows should be automated first?

Read on to explore more about automating the critical processes in your business.

Before we pick the top 5 key areas to automate your business workflows,

Think about what is your business’s most valuable resource?

Products, customer lists?

We would say it’s your employees who are considered the most valuable assets or resources.

Most of your employees work with multiple apps every week and often come with busy work as they juggle between apps. Automation is the perfect solution, taking repetitive tasks and seamlessly running them in the background.

#1 Lead Management

Leads acquisition is one of the vital areas every business owner should focus on. That is the main reason why one should consider automating the generic processes that lead generation and sales include. This area will have many tedious tasks that don’t require much skill.

Automate the customer engagement emails to automate the processes that allow completing thousands of actions in no time.

Build some customized Chatbots using no code automation platform to converse, upsell and recommend the products to generate leads.

Business automation scores every business interaction with customers and ranks them accordingly. It allows you to deal with the customer and deliver a better customer experience.

#2 Sales Automation

The automation software helps you as the project manager for the entire sales team. You can manage the complete sales pipeline efficiently to increase the conversion rates.

Stay on top of a busy pipeline, manage the calendars of the sales, and identify and focus on the data insights.

Sync all the crucial data across the applications and create a strong bridge across the marketing and sales funnel.

#3 Customer Management

Customer management is the most important area that can build or break your business if any process gets stuck—large enterprises connected with the third-party CRM services set up CRM to automate customer management workflows.

Automate the appointment scheduling process with the concerned person from the team. Configure the automated replies to the potential prospects that are personalized.

#4 Office Management

Some administrative tasks cannot be taken for granted, and business automation helps you take them and accomplish them better. You can automate the most manual entries, redundant and repetitive tasks.

Get automated backups of your sensitive data that are important and valuable. You can also back up the files in the process by using software automation which ensures the credibility and integrity of data.

#5 Finance Workflows

Finance is the most complicated business area as it deals with numbers and calculations and is a central pillar for the entire organization’s financial support. You can automate several processes to avoid manual interventions and human errors.

Automate the invoice reminders where the payers receive timely reminders. HR automation can help you speed up things even better. You can also automate the bill payments at due time, a recurring payment feature that saves time and money.

Summing it up

Automating your business processes can bring benefits to your business at different levels. Quickwork automation platform helps you automate all the critical areas of your business. Try out the simple journeys using Quickwork. Register today and request a demo to understand it better.