Technology is consistently evolving and redefining the way we think, work, and communicate in our daily lives. It plays a significant role in helping with almost everything we do. With technology at the forefront of helping businesses across verticals, deal with the effects of the pandemic last year, the need, and urgency for companies to accelerate and prioritize digital transformation is at its peak. Here are some of the top trends that will shape the way companies approach forming a digital strategy to transform their businesses in 2021!

  1. Hyper automation: Automating anything and everything, that can be automated in a business. Businesses are looking for a way to operate in a more agile, efficient, and lean manner. Automating everything that can be automated, allows businesses to work with a more connected per view, it also allows companies to streamline their operations quickly.
  2. Focus on remote working: The past year has made companies switch to working from home, this has changed the way businesses operate and a lot of companies and employees have realized they prefer this style of working. The focus of shifting business operations remotely isn't just on employees. It also includes enabling your business to operate from  anywhere for business partners and customers. The focus on making your business easily accessible despite geographical boundaries, makes it easier to expand and adapt to other markets as well.
  3. AI engineering: Focus on governance of AI engineering to ensure responsible, transparent, ethical interpretability and compliance issues. This will accelerate the emergence of AI engineering strategy, making 2021 a year for more scalable, and reliable AI models that deliver a higher return on investments.
  4. Data analytics: Companies are constantly trying to enhance customer experiences. The value of data analytics is only increasing, organisations are investing big money to get insights on customer behavior and shopping to detail their targeting and approach.
  5. Composable architecture: After the pandemic, businesses are looking at digital transformation to be agile and adaptable to unprecedented circumstances without facing major expenses in transforming the way they work. Leveraging micro services, by using existing APIs allows businesses to quickly create and implement change in their workflow without heavy dependence on central IT infrastructure.
  6. Move toward contactless solutions: There’s been a shift in demand for technology that enables customers to interact with lesser face to face interactions. This especially has been noticed in clothing and grocery services.
  7. Greater investment in cloud technology: Cloud technology frees up organizations from bulky legacy systems, it also unlocks worldwide access to information; making it crucial to irking remotely. Faster data transfer and accessibility are the driving factors for why cloud technology is going to be looked at in a greater manner this year.
  8. Data Divide: The accuracy data sharing provides, combined with the need to understand and adapt to consistently evolving customer needs will drive organizations to unlock data sharing. This will be the year companies separate data from organizations and customers, and find quicker ways to unlock data and generate insights.

While these are the top factors that will be shaping the way businesses look at strategy and digital transformation, a huge part of digital transformation will be hyper customization. A low code/no code automation platform like Quickwork allows businesses to build customized solutions to tackle problems across all verticals. Get in touch with us to know more about digitally transforming your business!