From huge spends and investments being made into developing AI that will simplify searching for content, to using AI to improve detection of cancer, and new APIs being launched by social media giant Facebook, there’s a lot happening in the world of automation! And we’re here to recap some of the latest and most interesting finds from the last two weeks!

APIs and AI are both rapidly growing and increasingly popular technology, keeping up with the latest innovations becomes hard when there’s so much to filter through! We’re here to give you a weekly breakdown of a curated list of interesting developments in the world of automation!

1. Apple invests in Vilynx, an AI startup specializing in video and content filtering

We live in a world of excess, with devices loaded up with photos, videos and content, humans have started digitally hoarding data. But when time comes, filtering through the data becomes a nightmare. Apple already resolved this issue to an extent by filtering content based on location, and face recognition. Now to take this a step further, Apple has invested in taking over Vilynx. Vilynx is a startup working on using machine learning and AI to make content smarter for publishers, it will essentially read videos, images and text and help filter through content making it easier to understand. This means more relevant searches, better targeting of content and essentially accurate filtering of data!

Why should this excite you?

When applied for personal use this could have the potential of saving you hours in filtering through the GB’s of media hoarded on your device, and in a social setting this could potentially help platforms increase video views and engagement! Under the wing of Apple Vilynx is backed by the resources to innovate and expand their vision further.


2. Radius Bank partnered with Treasury Prime launches an API that will improve B2B banking

Radius Bank in their latest announcement revealed their plans of rolling out a new API to streamline banking for B2B transactions. Their API will focus on allowing business consumers to use their own operating system and leveraging API for cash payments and financial needs. Essentially this saves banks hours worth of excruciating data transfer when they switch applications. Their sandbox launch allows developers to understand how the API will work in a live environment.


3. Facebook launches a new cross posting API integrating Instagram DM and Facebook Messenger

*Changes blog theme to excited*

With the new Instagram update, where the DM feature has been replaced with Messenger, Facebook has essentially tried integrating the communication between the two platforms, allowing creators to leverage more features. In support of this, they have announced the launch of a new API which will enable Instagram businesses to effectively improve their communications by enabling cross posting between the two platforms.


4. AI is being looked at to improve the accuracy of detecting oral cancer!

One of the most exciting news to come in the world of AI. The rates of oral cancer in the last ten years have increased incredulously, one of the biggest hindrances in detection has been the subjectivity of biopsies. With machine learning AI, we can reduce the dependency on humans hence reducing the subjectivity associated with detection, which could ideally and hopefully mean more accurate testing and detection. The AI will study through 5 years of oral epithelial dysplasia tissue to learn and predict biopsies more accurately.


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