Team management applications have become an essential in bringing discipline and managing coordination seamlessly in this work from home culture. Team management applications/tools however can tend to become confusing or difficult to inculcate in your daily work life in an active manner. Automating applications that you use in your everyday work life with your task management tool can help you and your team members stay more in tune with the tool. We’ve carefully curated a list of integrations that don’t make using your task management tool seem like such a task!

Direct lead fragmentation

Spend more time chasing leads, than figuring out where they’ve come from, and manually logging them multiple times. As a business, leads are generated from multiple sources, integrating your marketing channels with Slack, allows your leads to directly sync with your task manager tool.

  • Social media: Connect your social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter with your task management tool to receive any updates on your leads directly.
  • Unbounce: An application that allows you to view how many leads you’re receiving from your different webpages. Integrating this with your task manager, provides a clear image of how well a particular landing page or blog article is doing.
  • Salesforce: Sync your customer relationship management (CRM) software, with your task manager and automate the process of sending information. This saves your sales representatives time on updating the leads they are bringing in on two different applications.

These integrations allow you to sync, update and view your leads and where they are getting generated from with ease. This saves time and provides transparency among the marketing and sales team. A lead goes through various touchpoints within the company, before getting locked, lead fragmentation simply helps you keep a track of these touchpoints.

Related reading: 5 Minute Hacks: Streamline Your Sales With These Quick Automations

Integrations for better team coordination

The whole point of using a task management tool is to work better as a team. Here’s a curated list of applications that your task manager needs to team up with the team to work more efficiently.

  • Sync your mail: Your task manager allows you to communicate with your team members internally, however syncing it with your email allows you to make decisions like which team member should be assigned to what task based on external emails that come in.
  • Share a drive: Multiple team members work on the same project, and a project often goes through various stages of development, before getting approved. Integrate a cloud based drive like Google Drive with Slack, allowing team members to easily update individual projects and tasks within the drive and receive a notification in their task manager whenever there’s an update. Share spreadsheets, documents and presentations with ease.
  • Sync your calendar: Your task manager allows you to set a status, notifying your teammates of your availability. However this depends on whether or not you remember to actively update your status, and on how active you are on the task manager. Syncing your calendar allows you to intimate team members of your schedule, it also acts as a reminder for upcoming meetings.
  • Create proactive to-do lists: A lot of times, work gets piled up in between messages sent from different team members. Sifting through messages later in the day to find out what all you need to get done is not only unorganized but also time consuming. Not to mention it increases your chances of missing out on a task. Simply integrate, a note taking application with your task manager. This way anytime you save a message it automatically gets sent to your notes.

Related reading: Top 3 project management apps to help you work better

Keeping your team socially savvy

Marketers put in a lot of effort and energy in creating social media collaterals. They however spend an even higher amount of time getting everyone in the company to promote these collaterals. Your team members are your first point of contact with reaching a wider audience. Keeping them updated with all the new events and happenings of the brand can become a manual headache. Automating this process to sync social media applications to send a notification everytime you upload something new, takes off all the manual hassle off you.

Building journeys for efficient task management

There are various applications out there that provide team management tools for effective management, so while we have mentioned Slack here, the same integrations can be made with any other team management tool out there in the market. There is also an array of new applications that release everyday, giving you endless opportunities to integrate your favourite softwares. Check out our Quickwork to start building Journey’s with little to no code, or get in touch with us to know more about integration options for your task manager!

Related reading: App Highlights: Slack